Nenad Rakocevic - Softinnov 21-Dec-2007 20:20:27 GMT Article #13 Main page || Index || 4 Comments |
service/conf => loaded configuration file
timeout 00:30 ; session timeout set to 30 minutes
set-mime type/sub-type .extension or set-mime type/sub-type [.ext1 .ext2 ...]
#0010034 : Configuration: PHP execution stops working after a configuration reload #0010032 : CGI: posting large amount of data fails #0010026 : HTTP: protocol get redirected to
27-Dec-2007 23:29:44 |
Does Cheyenne.r v0.9.17 require rebol/command now? I get an error as if it is trying to access a dll file. |
27-Dec-2007 23:31:18 |
If so, how do I change prefs (like port used) with the encaped version? |
29-Dec-2007 2:49:50 |
Changing port in encapped version: same as source version, either change it in httpd.cfg file or use the -p command line option e.g. : cheyenne -p 8000 Btw, the encapped version, when first run, writes a default httpd.cfg file (if none found) in the same directory. If Cheyenne is run from Windows desktop, the working directory will be [...]/All Users/ApplicationData/Cheyenne/. |
29-Dec-2007 2:55:46 |
Cheyenne requires the /Library component, but should run fine even if it's not present (but some features won't be available, like NT-services support). If you find some errors or odd behaviours, please report them in the bugtracker
The encapped version contains all the required components. |
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