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Nenad Rakocevic - Softinnov
11-Oct-2006 21:52:14 GMT

Article #1
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Welcome to Cheyenne's blog. I'll post here all the news and articles about the Cheyenne Web Server. Hope this will be useful to all users. A bugtracker will soon be online ! Stay tuned... -DK


12-Oct-2006 1:26:38
Cool :) Hope this means that we will see acceleration of development.
12-Oct-2006 1:55:50
It's great to see the progress.. keep up the good work! I'll be dedicating some spare cycles to support the cause soon.
12-Oct-2006 8:19:52
Thanks to both of you for your support!

Graham, you're right, the development cycle will be faster and I'll release as often as possible. I hope this blog will do a good job in keeping you all informed on the work in progress.
12-Oct-2006 8:21:55
BTW, the generation of the RSS file is broken, this should be fixed in a couple of days.
12-Oct-2006 8:27:28
Wow, the blog script adapts nicely. I may have to have a look at it for my own blog. :-) Good luck with Cheyenne, DocKimbel.
12-Oct-2006 8:34:16
Thanks Henrik ! Yes, Carl's blog script is really easy to adapt to specific needs.
12-Oct-2006 11:10:41
Very exciting, Doc. Cheyenne open up many new possibilities.
Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
12-Oct-2006 15:15:47
Thanks for creating Cheyenne. It will help REBOL solutions tremendously. can't wait for SSL support ;-)
12-Oct-2006 22:57:48
RSS feed is now functional.
14-Oct-2006 21:06:54
I've removed the last comment with PRE tag that was breaking the page layout. I've found no workaround, so I've also removed this tag from the allowed list.

If you need to post code, just provide a link to a web page or zip file containing the source code.
Carl Sassenrath
20-Oct-2006 18:04:55
Very cool... and Glad to see your new blog, and what a great piece of software! Also, if you want RAMBO bug db... contact Gabriele who can get you a copy of it.
24-Oct-2006 14:14:59
Is the Async stuff available for REBOL/Core running on Sparc/Solaris? Regards, Dirk
26-Oct-2006 17:31:26
Quelle bonne id�e de mettre un blog en ligne ! Tu devrais lancer un appel � contribution pour la cr�ation de connecteurs (clients Soap, MQ Series, ...) pour Uniserve. A +
28-Oct-2006 13:06:40
Seems very interesting. Just one question: could Cheyenne run under Rebol Core 2.5.6? I am interested to test it under Windows CE, which runs only that older version of Rebol.
10-Nov-2006 19:14:30
moi j'ai deja la pub Cheyenne tout le web en moins de 2Mo ^^ I already have the teaser for cheyenne Cheynne the whole web in less than 2Mo ^^ Or / ou Cheyenne No install No config only Web / Cheyenne pas d'install pas de configuration juste le Web.
17-Nov-2006 4:51:07
Doc, what's the status of session support? Is it still not quite stable yet?
20-Nov-2006 22:35:34
For the last week or so, I've been looking at Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud, where a developer can create a virtual system image that can be hosted on Amazon's infrastructure. Since the AMI (Amazon Machine Image) can be customized with your choice of operating system, web server, etc, it would be highly interesting to create, say, a Ubuntu + Cheyenne Web Server + Rebol + one of the Rebol database apps that are floating around, and see how it flies. One of the most frustrating things about seeking web hosting, is that one is stuck with whatever configuration the hosting provider allows. Rarely will you find Rebol available as a scripting language choice. But because you can create as many instances of your AMI to run on Amazon's infrastructure, and since you pay essentially 0.10 per compute-hour, this seems to really open up possibilities.
5-Jan-2007 18:50:32
I'm having trouble with the testapp that comes with the distro. I'm confused about RSP. Any resources I can lookup? Also, anyway to get Magic! to work with Cheyenne or does RSP make it unneeded?
30-Jan-2007 21:13:17
Hi Doc, are you alive? :-)
Dave Cope
3-Feb-2007 11:23:20
Thanks for putting in the time & skill to developing Cheyenne. I look forward to trying out version 1.0. This could turn out to be a killer Rebol app. I would be interested in trying this out in a working environment. Running async process and direct url->Rebol functions will be very powerful. I'll download the current version for testing. Keep up the great work.
14-Feb-2007 18:40:40
Direct url->Rebol functions: I've planned to add a mod-mapping module that would do exactly that. It would made things easy if you need, for example, an easy interface between a REBOL app an embedded Cheyenne.

Cheyenne under Core 2.5.6: Didn't tested, but it should (you'll need maybe to tranfer some mezz REBOL functions from latest version to do so).

Magic! with Cheyenne: Magic! works in CGI mode, so it should work with Cheyenne, but untested. Magic! and RSP are different frameworks for building dynamic pages. Magic! currently provides a higher API than RSP. OTOH, RSP is built for performances, and an higher framework will come after v1.0 release.
Brian Tiffin
15-Mar-2007 15:39:07

Just so ya know...
I'm implementing a web hosting site and Cheyenne is at the core.

I'll unpark the page soon,
Brian Tiffin
8-May-2007 20:51:53
Just unparked

Another Cheyenne website hits the streets.

Thanks Doc.


30-May-2007 19:58:24
How do you get php running? I noticed reference to it in the httpd config file under fastCGI but it is commented out. Is this working?
31-May-2007 2:26
PHP support is working but is currently experimental, so all parameters are hardcoded in the source code. I should work on improving the FastCGI layer next week, so I'll post, then, some info about that.

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